
Frequently Asked Questions

What is Pro-Life?

Pro-Life is essentially the opposition of abortion. It supports the right to life for every unborn baby everywhere. By being pro-life you support the anti-abortion movement and not only are anti abortion, but, you are also being pro-woman as well. Being pro-life is also being pro-woman. You also fully support and back every single woman who chose to keep and raise their precious child. By choosing to be pro-life you also support rape victims as well. Rape is a very serious and sad topic. Some women who are raped get pregnant. What we as pro-lifers want is to make sure that the woman and child recover from that and have the best life possible moving forward from that horrible crime. Women are so important and needed in this world because without them we would not exist so, we must give back to them and try our very best to help them, and they’re baby as much as we can. It is important to be pro-life because you choose the right thing to do by saving little innocent babies all the time.

Why is it so Important?

It is important to be pro-life because you choose the right thing to do by saving little innocent babies all the time. It’s important because every baby deserves to live, and they deserve to grow up and live their lives to the fullest till the day they die and that’s why we do what we do because, we want every child to have a future and not have it cut short, at such a young age in their life.

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