
IT OCCCURS TO ME (Anthony Pamelia)

Definitions of terms clarify ideas and concepts. For example, pro-life advocates are accused of requiring a woman, who has a medically threatening pregnancy, to accept death by denying her the surgery necessary to save her life. The pro-choice advocates claim that this tragedy would be the result of legislation proposed by pro-life advocates that makes abortion illegal. Pro-choice scenario: “if abortion is illegal past the 15th week of a pregnancy and the pregnant woman’s life is threatened by the pregnancy in her 16th week, then she will break the law by having an abortion to save her life”.

Point of clarification: a procured abortion is one in which the surgeon performs the surgery to end the life of the unborn child as the intended purpose for the surgery. Surgery that results in the death of the unborn child, not as an intended purpose but as a result of other surgical procedures, intended to save the life of the mother, does not constitute a procured abortion. Pro-life legislation would not prohibit surgery having, as an unintended consequence, the death of the unborn child. Pro-life legislation would prohibit procured abortion surgery because its intended purpose is the death of the unborn child, which action constitutes a grave moral evil by denying life to an innocent human being.

IT OCCURS TO ME {Anthony Pamelia)

If our pro-life candidates did not win in this recent election, we can lose hope or we can determine to continue our efforts to save our unborn brothers and sisters.

What would these innocent children ask us to do for them if they could speak? “Please continue your labor of love to save us from death”.

On Thanksgiving eve, let’s remember to thank God and our benefactors for their gifts of love to us.

IT OCCURS TO ME (Anthony Pamelia)

Legislatures earmark funds for sex education in public schools. Watch the animated video to learn that the money should be used for other purposes

 hli.org Thursday Nov 10, 2022

The data presented there might surprise you.

IT OCCURS TO ME (Anthony Pamelia)

What is threatening you? Who told you? Where is it coming from? Is it real or politicized?

Choose one or more and add your own:

1)The world population of humans (see www.hli.org)

2) The excess of carbon dioxide in the air

3) The shortage of potable water

4) Being the victim of violent crime

5) Monetary Inflation

6) A Pandemic

7) Life threatening illness

8) Unemployment



If you are a child in the womb, you may be facing a real threat to your life.

IT OCCURS TO ME (Anthony Pamelia)

How would Anthony vote using the guidelines above? (see Blog October 26, 27, 2022 )

Situation 1:  Candidate A favors housing, education and subsidies for the poor but supports unrestricted abortion using tax funds.  Candidate B opposes abortion and supports job creation and tax credits for families.  All else being equal, I would vote for candidate B

Situation 2:  Candidate C is endorsed by the political party our family always supported in the past but that party does not oppose the killing of non-combatants in war.  Candidate D is a member of another party and supports the death penalty for repeat offenders of serious crimes.  All else being equal, I would vote for candidate D.

Situation 3:  Candidate E supports the death penalty for repeat offenders of serious crimes but opposes abortion in all circumstances.  Candidate F opposes the death penalty but supports abortion for rape and incest.  All else being equal, I would vote for Candidate E.

Situation 4:  Candidate G supports spending taxpayer money to provide clean drinking water to the people of Africa and also supports funding abortion clinics in Africa.  Candidate H supports spending tax-payer money for pre-natal care for African mothers, but not abortion clinics.  All else being equal, I would vote for Candidate H.

Situation 5: Candidate J supports energy controls to address climate change and also supports population control through free abortion services for third-world mothers. Candidate K supports tax cuts for low and middle income families, the careful use of fossil fuels and pre-natal care for the needy. All else being equal, I would vote for Candidate K.

Situation 6.: Candidate L supports school vouchers and parent approved chastity programs for health classes. Candidate M supports public school teachers’ unions and state mandated sex education courses from 6th through 12th grades. All else being equal, I would vote for candidate L.

Situation7: Candidate N supports increasing food stamp allocations and housing vouchers for the poor and also supports funding abortion clinics for poor women. Candidate P supports funding programs for home health care for the elderly and requires voter ID for all elections. All else being equal, I would vote for candidate P.

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